Multi-Architecture Configuration
Data environments in large enterprises are complex ecosystems comprising diverse data sources, platforms, and technologies that span on-premises, cloud, and hybrid infrastructures. These environments support the flow of data across various functions, including operations, analytics, and decision-making.
Medallion Architecture Support
Multi-layered Bronze (raw), Silver (consolidated & cleansed), and Gold (modeled) analytic architecture​s are natively supported.
Architecture Views
Architecture views like cloud, hybrid, on-prem, and project-specific data asset configuration help with landscape understanding and maintenance.
Configuration Versioning
Configuration versions are snapshots of a collection of related models and assets that can be used to for critical milestones and comparisons.
Federated Business Entity Configuration
Business entities can control their assets, such as glossaries, process models, and data products, while remaining integrated with the enterprise standards.
Life Cycle Support
Development, testing, and production configurations improve development, maintenance, and break-fix processes.
Configuration Comparison
Versions of configurations can be compared to understand changes. For instance, the differences between the current and previous versions of production or current and previous versions of hybrid data environment.